Annihilation: A journey of self-destruction

DISCLAIMER: Contains major spoilers for Annihilation and disturbing images. Annihilation is a 2018 film directed and written by Alex Garland. Based on the 2014 novel of the same name, it follows the journey of five scientists exploring into a mysterious zone called ‘the Shimmer’ caused by an extraterrestrial being. Science-fiction is a fascinating genre. It allows us to build a unique new world based upon the structural realities of our own. It can be used Read more…

‘The Beauty of Self-Distributing Your Movie’

So, you take all this time to make a movie, you put all your energy into it. You feel like you’ve climbed mountain upon mountain to make this idea in your head a tangible moving picture people can lay their eyes upon. The only problem, no one is laying their eyes upon it. The all too often sensation after getting that final export, feeling all accomplished and such, that lasts for about two seconds before Read more…

A Hunger to Create

When I was in grade school, I had a friend, who had an older sister, who had a video camera, who made Indiana Jones movies with her friends. Was it love at first sight, yes, but the point is my homies older sister, who I thought was hot I might add, was able to put together an actual movie, credits and all, just her and her friends, at thirteen years old. Me being ten at Read more…

Nothing Should Ever Be Set In Stone

New Chapters, our first short film, has entered production, but the writing aspect is far from over. Coming up with your story and its characters is always much harder than bringing them to life. You have to make your story compelling while still being entertaining, and you’re never quite sure if your story has ended.  While writing this short film, Katie and I have changed our idea over and over and over again. It’s hard Read more…

Why Movies Are My Favorite Storytelling Medium

I. Love. Stories. And I’ve always loved them. Ever since I was a little kid, I would read countless books since it was my only real way of escaping reality. That new, thrilling experience of entering a new world of monsters, gods, wizards, was always just so enrapturing. As time went on, I discovered new mediums of storytelling that I learned to greatly appreciate: visual arts, theater, video games, and of course, cinema. Out of Read more…

I Thought I Wanted To Be A Director, Now I’m Not So Sure

Ever since I was young I’ve had a love for movies. Just the idea of telling a story where you can actually see the events playing out in front of you has fascinated me. Not only that, but the fact that you have the opportunity to make your audience feel every emotion imaginable is incredible. However, when I was younger, I thought the director did almost everything. I tended to ignore the thousands of names Read more…

I Asked My Followers For Their Favorite Book-to-Movie Adaptation. Here’s What They Said.

Many book-to-movie adaptations have been the topic of heated debates for years. Passionate fans of novels, trilogies, and series have often been met with disappointment in the film counterpart-and understandably so. Seeing the story that’s stuck with you for so long become completely ruined can be frustrating. This task isn’t an easy one though. Adapting one story onto a different storytelling medium is a challenging task that many filmmakers face. Here are some examples of Read more…

My Love For Visual Storytelling

Recently a few people have asked me where I get my inspiration and especially, what are my favorite movies, TV shows, or directors to follow and watch. To give you a straight answer, I couldn’t really name a favorite TV show or movie. And I definitely couldn’t tell you my favorite director. The truth is, film is such a broad concept, and there are so many ideas even within a single film, that it is Read more…